Key Dates in History of WSI
Autumn 2008:
Tom Reed, Dawn Kelly, and Claire Wood begin meeting with officials from the Department of Agriculture (DAFM) to discuss how a license could be granted to create and manage a new breed, the Irish Warmblood.
December 2008
A comprehensive application for a studbook license is submitted by Irish Warmblood Studbook Ltd to DAFM during the last week of the year.
19 March 2009:
The Irish Minister of Agriculture grants a license to Irish Warmblood Studbook Ltd to operate a studbook for the Irish Warmblood breed.
11 November 2014:
WSI becomes a Full Member of the WBFSH.
9 September 2017:
WSI holds the inaugural Irish Warmblood Festival.
December 2021:
The European Commission’s Directorate General - Competition informs WSI that our complaint alleging €34.9 million in illegal State aid was paid to Horse Sport Ireland by Ireland’s Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine has been resolved in WSI’s favor. A level playing field is now much closer to being established for the benefit of all breeders and consumers.